My prepartum:
0-4 months
Life is growing inside you!
For your first trimester, we offer you a variety of programs to allow you to start your pregnancy calmly and fulfilled. You will find:
of the guided movementsfor your physical well-being through Pilates, the cardio/strengtheningmuscular, the yoga...
of the adviceself-presence based on principleshaptonomy, the meditation, hypnosis perinatal,
of the guides on important themes such asbreastfeeding, to make your choices in full awareness and have the right information.
Support Guides
and Self-Presence Tips
Accompagnement à la grossesse et à la naissance
3 Plans Available
🧘♂️ Apprendre la méditation en pleine conscience
3 Plans Available
Hypnose péri-natale
3 Plans Available
Guided Movement Sessions
Yoga prénatal
4 Plans Available
Pilates prénatal
4 Plans Available
Cardio Renfo
4 Plans Available
Renfo adapté du début à la fin de ta grossesse
4 Plans Available
Well-being and Pregnancy Sessions
Nos tips spécialement pour ta grossesse
Pack bien être et grossesse
Assouplis toi
5 Plans Available
Douleurs hanches, coccyx, sacro-iliaques
5 Plans Available
Douleurs haut du corps
5 Plans Available
Dos douloureux
5 Plans Available
5 Plans Available
Posture et équilibre
4 Plans Available
Pieds gonflés
5 Plans Available
Douleurs ligamentaires
4 Plans Available