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Best Practices for Pumping and Storing Your Breast Milk

Best Practices for Pumping and Storing Your Breast Milk

Hi there! I’m Anne, a midwife and IBCLC lactation consultant. Today, I’d like to share some simple yet effective tips for properly pumping and storing your breast milk. And if you ever need a helping hand or personalized advice, I offer virtual consultations to support you.

Quelles sont les Bonnes Pratiques pour Tirer et Conserver Ton Lait Maternel  Salut ! Je suis Anne, sage-femme et conseillère en lactation IBCLC. Aujourd’hui, j’aimerais partager avec toi quelques astuces simples mais efficaces pour bien tirer et conserver ton lait maternel. Et si tu as besoin d’un coup de main ou de conseils personnalisés, sache que je propose des consultations virtuelles pour t’accompagner.

1. Record the Date and Time for Each Pumping Session

Each time you pump, make it a habit to note the date and time. It might seem like a small detail, but it’s super important! The date helps you keep track of how long your milk can be safely stored. And noting the time ensures that your baby receives milk that’s appropriate for that time of day, because yes, the composition of your milk changes throughout the day!

2. Use Several Small Containers

When you pump, try to divide your milk into several small containers rather than storing it all in one large one. This helps avoid waste by allowing you to give just the right amount at each feeding. And don’t worry, you can always mix milk from different containers when you use it. Just remember to mix it well before giving it to your baby so that the fats and nutrients are evenly distributed.

3. Mix Your Milk Well Before Feeding Baby

Breast milk tends to separate when stored, with the cream rising to the top. Before feeding your baby, take the time to gently mix the milk to ensure that all the good fats are evenly distributed. A gentle swirling motion will do the trick! This ensures that your baby gets all the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.

If you have any questions or want to discuss the best ways to pump and store your milk, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here for you, and I also offer virtual consultations to help you on this beautiful breastfeeding journey.

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